Immediate Jeopardy & Actual Harm Resolution
Immediate Jeopardy (IJ) represents a situation where noncompliance has placed the health and safety of those in a facility’s care at risk for serious injury, harm, impairment or even death.

Qsource deploys a team within 24-48 hours to implement a plan to remedy Immediate Jeopardy citations.
We implement our proven model of current state assessment, immediate remediations, systems review, root cause analysis, and sustainment interventions to assure compliance is achieved.
Through its hands-on processes, Qsource offers:
- Systems Review
- Plan of Correction Development with Immediate Interventions
- Competency-Based Trainings and In-Services for Staff
- Policy and Procedure Optimization, Revision, and Writing including appropriate channels for approval
- Sustainment and Audit Systems
- SME Support with SSA and CMS
Connect with Qsource to Immediately Remedy Your IJ's
Our immediate jeopardy remediation consulting ensures that your organization returns to compliance faster so that you can continue caring for your residents.
What Causes an IJ Ruling?
Immediate Jeopardy from CMS: Situation in which the provider’s noncompliance with one or more requirements of participation has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident or patient.
CMS might cite an IJ if facilities fail to:
- Protect residents from abuse, prevent neglect, physical and/or psychological harm and medication errors
- Provide inadequate medical assessment and nutritional/hydration needs
- Practice infection control standards, protect resident from acquiring infections
- Ensure residents are safe in their environment, including safe transfers and providing care services to maintain quality of care and life
- Stabilization of emergency medical conditions and safe transfer to the hospital
You just received an IJ, your FIRST MOVE is to call Qsource! We have a team of subject matter experts that can begin assisting you with compliance.
Let us help you complete an Action of Correction to abate the IJ while you and your staff eliminate the immediate threat to resident health and safety to mitigate the fines.
Qsource will help you create a plan of removal and a plan of correction to prepare for a resurvey as quickly as possible.
When an organization receives an IJ from CMS related to the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and alleged patient safety concerns, several action steps must take place to rectify the situation and ensure that the organization is able to maintain their Medicare Provider status. Qsource walks your facility through the end-to-end process from IJ citation to accepted POC and IJ cleared.
Read the Blog: What Happens After Immediate Jeopardy Citation?
Read the Blog: Top Tips to Avoid Immediate Jeopardy
Read the Blog: The Guide to Mitigating Immediate Jeopardy Risks