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The One-Stop Solution
for Healthcare Quality Improvement

    The One-Stop Solution for Healthcare Quality Improvement

    For over 50 years, Qsource has been a nationwide leader in Quality Improvement (QI) and Quality Assurance (QA) across all healthcare settings.

    Our team is composed of healthcare professionals, providers and executives with firsthand experience, offering practical solutions to establish sustainable quality management systems within a complex regulatory environment.

    Solutions in Long-Term Care & Nursing Homes

    Engaging with our dual approach of Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement, you can provide vital services to the most vulnerable populations—without regulatory-related service interruptions. 

    Qsource improves healthcare across multiple settings, for customers ranging from small physician practices to large government agencies.

    We assist you in:

    • Regulatory & Compliance Issues
    • Quality Measure & Data Reporting
    • Educational Content Development & Outreach
    • Quality Improvement & Technical Assistance

    Learn More about Our Services


    Immediate Jeopardy Remediation

    Immediate Jeopardy (IJ) represents a situation where noncompliance has placed the health and safety of those in a facility’s care at risk for serious injury, harm, impairment or even death.

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    Survey Readiness

    Incorporating proven methodologies, Qsource helps you build a comprehensive compliance foundation into your everyday operations.

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    Post-Survey Consulting

    Qsource partners with your team to achieve compliance through a comprehensive Plan of Correction and remediation activities.

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    MDS Improvement

    For compliance within regulations, Qsource collaborates with your staff to develop and implement a robust Plan of Correction.

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    Protect your license to operate and guard against lost revenue, potential litigation, and future issues.

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) serves the public interest by ensuring access to high-quality healthcare—and a positive CMS survey can bolster nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

    But what happens when you receive a bad CMS survey? 

    Qsource sets assurances so you’ll never have to find out.

    Working with providers, partners, patients, and other stakeholders, we equip healthcare institutions with the tools and knowledge necessary to:


    Immediately Remediate Citations


    Protect Licenses to Operate


    Prevent Lost Revenue


    Guard Against Potential Litigation

    Qsource Currently Works in 11 States


    16 M

    People with Medicare Impacted

    2 K

    Skilled Nursing Facilities Supported

    64 K

    ESRD Patients Impacted

    60 +

    Community Coalitions Fostered